Nov. 2010. rewrite 5th Sept. 2011
Albert Einstein calculated the effect of gravity on time in the early 1900’s through his Theory of Relativity. Now we know that bodies called Black Holes (BH) have so intense gravitation that time may be warped and stretched theoretically forming a tunnel between different times and places.
The effect of intense gravity caused by Black Holes on time begins with their formation in a supernova (SNa). This paper follows their development from creation then through accretion in X-Ray Binary (XB) systems to a possible explosive end linking part of this evolutionary path to early Quasars and Super Massive Black Holes (SMBH) in Galaxy formation based on the interaction and laws that govern Gravity and Time.
The mechanism for the movement of matter in a BH binary system concerns accretion. Matter is drawn from a secondary to a more massive but compact primary by gravitational attraction which forms a disc as it spirals inward until reaching the inner accretion zone, close to the BH, where time may be warped and stretched. We look at evidence for accretion in the evolution of BH binary s using generally recognised properties to assist in explaining the basic processes. It is vital to understand the laws that govern BH as they are fundamental to the construction of galaxies there being a suspected connection between galaxy formation and the SMBH thought to be in their midst partly due to a general correlation in size.
KEY WORDS: Black Hole, Relativity, X-ray Binaries, Antimatter, Galaxy, Gravity, White Hole (theoretical partner to a BH)
One of the most fascinating properties of BH is their suspected influence on time. It has been calculated that gravity is able to slow time which is predicted by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
This shows the bending of time by strong gravitational force forming a sort of bridge as the BH falls back in time like a ‘well’ into the past (Pic.1). Slow-down factors of gravity on time have been well proved. (B. Whitworth. 2007)
Pic.1 Gravity of a Black Hole bending space time forming tunnel.
The problem with Pic.1 concerns any physical representation of time. A two dimensional grid, warped by the intense gravity of a BH forming a tunnel, cannot be possible as time is not an entity in its self. Nor is it a force. Time is in theory a forth dimension and this is a property and description of matter. What’s missing from Pic.1 is mass, a hook or anchor, to attach the bridge to the present. A secondary star to the BH associated through space time and evolving with it to form something like a White Hole (WH). How this gravitational association forms in the evolution of BHs is part of their creation in a supernova.
The process of BH and Neutron Star (NS) formation occurs at a SNa. As a large star exhaust the hydrogen fuel it contracts raising density and temperature, the ignition of helium forms sufficient outward pressure to halt any collapse. This is repeated through other elements as the star dies in a spiral of shrinking and heating until reaching heavy metals like iron which are unable to produce energy through fusion. The core then collapses under a shock wave caused by explosive forces of the SNa at speeds reaching 70,000 km/s with a resulting increase in density and temperature. This is abruptly stopped by the degeneracy pressure of neutrons producing a rebound shock wave. This causes the core to divide as the collapse and sudden stop is more like a powerful impact creating an ejector through recoil.
In the instant of minimum core size massive asymmetric velocity waves and rebound energy will distort and deform the singularity throwing out a second object. The forming of two bodies will be assisted by the way shock waves pass through solid spheres which tend to concentrate energy waves. This may explain how some types of SNa event often produces a binary system (E. Tuncer.1999).
So the product of some type II SNa are: 1) The shell of expanding matter from the progenitor’s outer region. 2) Often a collapsed core remnant in the form of a compact star. 3) Sometimes a smaller aftershock object - heavy in metals and relatively light in weight. With the loss of restraining gravitational confines this body expands as constituents are burned in an energy release event followed by a slow burn-down as the new star evolves (the unusual properties of this stellar body will be discussed at the end of this paper).
This core collapse and resulting separation event (the birth or ‘Naissance process') provides a vital gravitational connection through space time between the two bodies. One high in mass and compact the other low mass and not compact.
They are likely to follow similar trajectories (based on the original star’s kinetics) but the time bridge may also provide a physical connection. As the stellar core collapses and the BH starts to slow time the object gets a kick of momentum when shedding a proportion of mass through rebound energy wave, producing a small evolving star as a companion. This secondary body is not so compact and will not slow time at the same rate yet may be gravitationally bound through space time to the BH or NS, forming a Relative bridge between the two time lines and pinning the secondary to the bridge or well ‘head’ (Fig.1&2). Whether the companion is caught by the primary and forms a XB or is blasted beyond capture will be calculated on a sliding scale by the degree of asymmetry in the collapse, the nature of the SNa and the size of time shift; the separation velocities and size being an expression of the original star and shock wave. After the split event the time bridge may form an attraction conduit as the gravitational vortex may assists them to gradually coalesce in the forming of a binary.
They are likely to follow similar trajectories (based on the original star’s kinetics) but the time bridge may also provide a physical connection. As the stellar core collapses and the BH starts to slow time the object gets a kick of momentum when shedding a proportion of mass through rebound energy wave, producing a small evolving star as a companion. This secondary body is not so compact and will not slow time at the same rate yet may be gravitationally bound through space time to the BH or NS, forming a Relative bridge between the two time lines and pinning the secondary to the bridge or well ‘head’ (Fig.1&2). Whether the companion is caught by the primary and forms a XB or is blasted beyond capture will be calculated on a sliding scale by the degree of asymmetry in the collapse, the nature of the SNa and the size of time shift; the separation velocities and size being an expression of the original star and shock wave. After the split event the time bridge may form an attraction conduit as the gravitational vortex may assists them to gradually coalesce in the forming of a binary.
The type of stars produced will vary with characteristics of each SNa. The large star nova GRB 980425 has produced no appreciable afterglow GRB (George Kosugi. 2007) and with a high velocity the core may have divided into two compact objects.
Masses over the threshold of NS that become BH may be thought of as having infinite mass though for this paper they will be included in the above definition by their original weight, so that the larger the singularity, the more time is slowed.
There may be other explanations for the creation of XBs it shall be show that this evolutionary path fits the characteristics of these low mass binaries and models the evolution and expansion of galaxies.
Fig. 1. Forming Black Hole shedding a proportion of mass as an ejector while it starts to slow time.
Fig 2. Secondary expands while separating from Black Hole forming a gravitational bridge as they part, pinning the secondary to the bridge or well head. (‘normal’ time is shown as a grid )
Mystery seems to surround these enigmatic low mass binaries. The evolution paths are not clearly mapped. Unexplained fluctuations occur in the orbit of the donor star with some orbiting very close without coalescing. There are problems pinning down the exact physics of the exchange of matter from the secondary to the primary which forms an accretion disc but partly due to the sheer forces close to the event horizon appear problematical with some matter accretion (J. Irwin 2002). Other oddities include transients in emissions, bursts and dipping.
These problems may in some degree be solved if the binary is formed by rebound shock wave pressure on a collapsing star remnant creating a compact BH or NS and a companion forming a bridge between the two assisted by the splitting of time at the same event.
The gravitational time bridge between the partners effects properties of these XBs unlike binares made through the attraction of random stars.
Matter is shed from the donor to the primary via an accretion disc which often disappears before reaching the suspected event horizon or compact surface. This area of high activity close to the BH or NS is reckoned to be the origin of high energy emissions (J. Tomsick).
Matter is shed from the donor to the primary via an accretion disc which often disappears before reaching the suspected event horizon or compact surface. This area of high activity close to the BH or NS is reckoned to be the origin of high energy emissions (J. Tomsick).
One explanation for the unusual properties of this region is matter being converted to antimatter, which has already been theorise, this would account for the high energy x-ray and gamma-ray emissions at this location (Guillaume Dubus 2007) and may be why the accretion disc seems to have an inner limit, antimatter having opposite properties of matter. Stephen Hawking (1974) suggested the association of matter and antimatter at the accretion zone. This states that the ergo sphere around a BH has a different metric signature to the rest of space time. So an object with positive energy away from the BH, can end up with negative energy near it. However, there is no absolute proof of antimatter production at this location.
Since the compact primary may be thought of as existing at the base of a time tunnel it could be possible for matter to pass against the force of gravity through the time bridge to the well head and the secondary in the present. Antimatter may be more capable of this movement as it has opposite gravitational magnetism (L. Schiff. 1959) and may be violently repelled by the BH. That these binaries produce quantities of antimatter has been found in our own galaxy in clouds associated with a group of binaries close to the galactic bulge. “Simple estimates suggest that about half and possibly all the antimatter is coming from x-ray binaries” (George Weidenspontner 2009). The exact relationship between matter and antimatter needed to correlate interactions in the time circuit within the binary is not covered here.
This movement through the bridge completes the quantum revolution in a (anti) matter transfer circuit.
Passing mass/energy from the BH to the secondary star through the largely invisible gravitational time bridge then back to the primary via accretion (Fig. 3.) which may account for some of the characteristics of these XBs. Accretion levels may fluctuate since small deviations in matter/antimatter flow will amplify with each rotation giving rise to transience and uneven emissions so that sudden fluctuations in accretion will transfer via the bridge direct to the secondary. This explains orbital anomalies as the secondary becomes heavier or lighter according to matter transfer.
Passing mass/energy from the BH to the secondary star through the largely invisible gravitational time bridge then back to the primary via accretion (Fig. 3.) which may account for some of the characteristics of these XBs. Accretion levels may fluctuate since small deviations in matter/antimatter flow will amplify with each rotation giving rise to transience and uneven emissions so that sudden fluctuations in accretion will transfer via the bridge direct to the secondary. This explains orbital anomalies as the secondary becomes heavier or lighter according to matter transfer.
Many of the secondary stars in these binary systems are recognised as a special type of Be Star (67% approx.) a classification which denotes unbound mass extending around the equatorial region, a possible effect of mass/energy transfer from the well head (Point B). It may also explain the extremely close orbits some XBs have the partners being kept from coalescing partly by the influence of the time bridge. If the two converge through gravitational attraction the matter rotation rate rises and the accretion disc interacts (or is repelled) with the time bridge at Point C, forming an opposing force.
Fig. 3
Fig. 3. Matter/antimatter transfer cycle in X-ray binary forming a continuous mass/energy circuit through space time - while close enough to interact.
Since accretion centres at the magnetic equator, the flow of antimatter from the inner accretion zone (point A) will pass toward both poles which forms two bridges. How and where they join back up is shown above in diagrammatic form.
The problem (and good vindication) with this type of formation, apart from being a quite complicated structure, arises at point C. The accretion disc is not likely to be neat and compact as some accreting matter will pass through the suspected antimatter time bridge, particularly if the secondary’s orbit is close.
This collision between two - moving in different directions - matter energy streams (powered by the BH antimatter in the time tunnel could be travelling close to light speed) may be detectable especially considering the violent reaction between matter and antimatter. There is known to be a ‘hot spot’ on the outer accretion zone exactly were the matter streams are likely to cross (Stefan Kunze 2000) giving some of the best proof that Fig. 3 is close to being accurate, along with the quantum revolution through space time theory itself.
This collision between two - moving in different directions - matter energy streams (powered by the BH antimatter in the time tunnel could be travelling close to light speed) may be detectable especially considering the violent reaction between matter and antimatter. There is known to be a ‘hot spot’ on the outer accretion zone exactly were the matter streams are likely to cross (Stefan Kunze 2000) giving some of the best proof that Fig. 3 is close to being accurate, along with the quantum revolution through space time theory itself.
Fig. 3 shows the flow of matter. It also represents flow through space time, Point A being where matter is pulled back to the time zone of the singularity and point B where it passes into the present.
This diagram gives some explanation of Relativistic Jetting known to come from the magnetic poles in Black Hole Binaries. The flow of antimatter and other radiations, partly from the inner accretion zone and partly from the BH, will separate at the magnetic poles as the time bridge draws antimatter toward the secondary star - leaving other products of the quantum revolution (those unaffected by the gravitational time vortex and/or moving 'fast') to jet from the poles.
What can be predicted by this model is that Low Mass X-Ray Binaries are produced by Supernova core collapse events. It also predicts the formation of these XBs close to matter that is recently coalesced and new BH and NS are likely to be forming from the parent short lived stars, in globular clusters and close to the bulge. High Mass X-Ray Binaries are more likely to be the product of gravitational attraction between random bodies.
It may also account for extreme heating of the secondary star on the side closest to the well head as matter/antimatter bombards its face close to point B.
It may also account for extreme heating of the secondary star on the side closest to the well head as matter/antimatter bombards its face close to point B.
It is a possibility that BH, far from disappearing down their own time well into some sort of alternative universe, are capable of matter transfer and interactions with the present. This movement of matter will only occur while the pair are close enough to interact. Once the donor star passes from gravitational reach accretion and energy transfer will stop. In theory the time bridge could continue to connect the two bodies however far through space time they separate - which will become important in respect to galaxy evolution.
This gives us two distinct XB groups:
I. XBs formed together with a causal link by the splitting of SNa core into a related binary and probably have an upper limit to birth size.
II. XBs formed by the capture of random bodies via gravitational attraction.
As the properties of some SNa are likely to be broadly similar there is a very general correlation between the mass ratio of type I XB partners at approx 1:10. Type II have none.
Should the BH interact with other matter, once past the binary stage, the bridge may resume transfer to the secondary in a one way conveyance.
The accretion process formed by the BH powerful gravitation fuels the possible matter/antimatter cycle though some of the matter may fall directly onto the primary and we know of bursts detected in NS binaries that come from high energy burning on or near the surface (F. Moreno). BH theoretically have no surface and matter is supposed to disappear for ever.
This Quantum Revolution within the binary inevitably includes substantial matter loss; some through energy release and high energy burning, some through angular momentum at the accretion zone, sometimes through jetting at the poles and some through drift into deep space. These losses may cause instability in the binary particularly if attributed to the primary which is held compact by mass. Any catastrophic matter reduction with associated gravitational loss and resulting explosive expansion may be the cause of types of SNa attributed to binaries (E, Marietta 2000).
This may be why these Ia SNa have a ‘standard luminosity’. The point where the BHs gravity can no longer hold itself compact will have the same critical mass and thus the same explosive force every time. Once the BH catches the secondary the binary is trapped in a destructive spiral of matter/energy loss, eventually resulting in the explosion of both bodies and the time bridge (occasionally the partners may separate when close to the critical minimum mass, this may explain rare double supernovas and predicts them to be jointly equal to one stranded luminosity).
Most XB partners may evolve in environments of general mass lost, however some may form in places of huge matter richness (particularly in reference to the primary). In the right conditions can the partners gain in mass? This question becomes important when considering the evolution paths from quasars to Super Massive White Holes (SMWH) in galaxy formation as what is true of BH may be true of other compact bodies like early quasars. That they (a quasar and a SMWH) once formed from an ordinary stellar core and separated after a primordial SNa in one of the first Naissance events as a BH / WH partnership with their matter source as the cosmic flow from the Big Bang itself - they may be thought of as having access to vast matter reserves.
The SMWH in the Galactic centre (Not SMBH) is the partner to a quasar from deep in the past and it sits over a well that draws matter from the early Universe.
A BH or quasar is the product of a stellar collapse and likely to have high rotation speed - a SMWH is the product of a small star bloated to millions of solar masses and not compact it will rotate very very slowly.
The quasar is so massive (or has become so) that it almost stops time*, constantly drawing matter from the Big Bang in a huge accretion disc which passes largely unseen through the time bridge and billions of years - to the NOW.
A BH or quasar is the product of a stellar collapse and likely to have high rotation speed - a SMWH is the product of a small star bloated to millions of solar masses and not compact it will rotate very very slowly.
The quasar is so massive (or has become so) that it almost stops time*, constantly drawing matter from the Big Bang in a huge accretion disc which passes largely unseen through the time bridge and billions of years - to the NOW.
This sets to rights the evolutionary path of the Galaxy by predicting the expansion of quantities of matter from the SMWH into the galactic bulge which passes gradually along the galactic plane to finally disperse beyond the Galaxy. We are fated to pass with the mass around us away from the galactic core, to cross the Galactic plane until finally the lights fade out - forming what is known as the Dark Halo. The size of the galaxy represents the total of mass passed from the quasar to the SMWH through its lifetime (I surmise the object feeding the galaxy is an early quasar because only the primordial Universe can provide uninterrupted induction of such quantities of matter) and why there exists a general correlation in the size of galaxies and their WH core.
Images from around the SMWH show massive eruptions of matter, as 'overflow', many light years long (Lecture 13). Far from containing a really huge accretion disc and powerful flaring in x-ray as might be expected if a true massive BH, this area has concentrations of unbound mass (the Torus) and orbiting young stars described as the 'Paradox of Youth' since the environment around the supposed SMBH if it is a BH should have no such populations.
Images from around the SMWH show massive eruptions of matter, as 'overflow', many light years long (Lecture 13). Far from containing a really huge accretion disc and powerful flaring in x-ray as might be expected if a true massive BH, this area has concentrations of unbound mass (the Torus) and orbiting young stars described as the 'Paradox of Youth' since the environment around the supposed SMBH if it is a BH should have no such populations.
When mapping stars in the Galaxy by metal abundance (M. Arnaud. 2010) we find a striking correlation with distances from the SMWH, generally youngest nearest the core, oldest at the dark halo representing lateral drift. That stars appear to permanently orbit the Galaxy is only an expression of the slow radial current. Other corroboration comes from near circular orbit of stars in the Milky Way and structures such as spiral arm configuration as an extension of the Bar of stars in the Bulge as matter expansion from the galactic centre. The Standard Model falls short of explaining structure in galaxy with its reliance on random murger events and likely kayo-tic result. That your Sun formed in the Bulge along with most of the other stars around us about 5 billion years ago with matter passed direct from the early universe and we have spiralled to here over that time.
BHs that formed only a 'little' latter in the early Universe may not induct enough matter to slow time sufficiently and remain in the energy rich embryo Universe - their dependant galaxy die.
BHs that formed only a 'little' latter in the early Universe may not induct enough matter to slow time sufficiently and remain in the energy rich embryo Universe - their dependant galaxy die.
The notion of time bridges, only identifiable when in contact with matter, connecting quasars over vast distance in space time to expanding galaxies - passing mass/energy direct from the Big Bang and forming arteries of antimatter that criss-cross the Universe may be hard to visualise or detect. However, some interaction between these and charged particles of matter may form identifiable non thermal filamentary configurations as the intergalactic medium is not empty and possible structures have been found like vast canals. Time bridges have an distinctive structure being two tunnels that will rap around each other in a double helix. like Pic.2 . Matter falling into the BH in the accretion process passes to both poles forming two bridges that come together over the disc (Fig.3). Also two jets create the Bar of stars at the SMWH galactic core suggesting a double time bridge.
Pic.2 Two filaments forming distinctive double helix that can only be a time bridge.
Sometimes these bridges may pass through a mass rich environment, like a galactic bulge, forming a very specific high energy interaction. Galaxy M87 with its unusual and vast asymmetric jet, representing a possible filamentary collision made visible by the blasting of matter like whole stars that cross the interrupted and overflowing beam, may be just such a candidate (Fig4). The SMWH in its centre seems to be in the stream of a filamentary time bridge going to another galaxy, that and being fed from its own conduit may be why it is known to be unusually large, possibly suggesting these supposed SMWH may attract antimatter bridges.
Fig 4. M87 and jet.
Non-Thermal Filaments have been found in our own Galaxy radiating from near the core which may show antimatter bridges from BHs in close orbit with the SMWH accretting matter and conveying to partners in the bulge or across the galaxy creating 'local' star forming regions as Nebula, Globular Clusters and Dwarf Galaxies predicting a partner star to a BH forming each one. In this environment these bridges will pass through other matter, like clouds of particles or gas, or interact with more massive objects as is inevitable while the partners are far apart and in motion. By their apparent abundance these conduits seem to survive most encounters - showing time bridges as surprisingly robust.Any idea of human inter stellar travel already extremely unlikely and mostly unnecessary that has the possibility of collision with largely invisible time bridges may prove totally impossible.
* Can gravity become so strong that it stops or reverses time? As quasars are the largest BHs in the known Universe they may be the best candidates. How these quasars remain in and interact with the Big Bang in the formation and possible final collapse of the Universe forms the basis of my understanding of its evolution and visualising the interaction between Time and Mass fundamental to that view, which is not covered here.
Adding time to the equation of matter transfer adds a new dimension to the evolutionary paths of the Universe.
The matter transfer system proposed here includes the accretion of mass onto the quasar and SMWH as they are both far too large to be the product of a single star collapse event. They may also be the product of mergers since we think galaxies may combine. However, this presents a problem as the SMWH may not be able to merge with other galactic cores. What would happen to the time bridges if they did is not covered here.
Quasars themselves may be attracted to each other by increasing gravitation partly due to mass induction, particularly considering how close to each other they are/were evolving. Any alteration in the quasar would pass through the bridge and produce dramatic reactions in the Galactic Core perhaps creating types of Active Galaxies.
This theory looks partly at evolutionary paths of mass in galaxies and partly at research into XBs. As such it leaves several important points with alternative interpretation. It is impossible to formulate an elegant theory, outside of the Standard Model, without looking anew at long held beliefs and reevaluating current knowledge. How close it comes to an answer and how justifiable that is can be partially interpreted as a ‘best fit’ scenario. The theory of a mechanism for the flow of matter (anti or otherwise) through the time bridge and the theory of the production of binaries from shock wave inertia as another are to some degree what fills the knowledge gap rather than what is very well proved.
The quantum revolution theory fits remarkable well with many seemingly quite unassociated areas of current astrophysical research and as it is so fundamentally based on Relativity may be, I hope, some small vindication of Einstein’s brilliant Theory of Relativity, whilst maybe casting new light on the evolution of the Universe. The basis of which is the Laws that govern Mass Time.
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