
Wednesday, 31 August 2016


Supernova triggers star core collapse.
Explosive supernova triggers star core collapse asymmetrically as the shock wave and powerful gravity of core overcome the strong forces that stabilise atoms and form a new Black Hole. This sudden and violent event provides the possibility for dense matter to escape. The core may impact, at great speed, the forming Black Hole and recoil to produce an ejector that burns at very high energy. Resulting on some Gamma Ray Bursts which are known to originate from supernova events as burning of dense matter.
Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) product of Supernova.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

New Website.

Black Hole and White Hole evolution connected by gravitational Wormhole. 

I have accumulated the proposals contained in my blog with additional evidence in a new website below. This is not other peoples interpretation and as such is unofficial. Working to form one theory based on Relativity to explain parts of galaxy evolution may require some revaluation of what we know. What have Black Holes wormholes and White holes got to do with the evolving  universal? View site and give me fed back.